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The first goats came to Merrie-Meade Farm in 1991...

as a 4-H project purchased for me by my mother.  They were two Nubian does, Missy and Calliope - one from Mary Drumm of Fox Hollow Farm and one from Stephanie Pieck of Singing-Cricket.  Those two were not alone for long however, as the more I began to show, the more I fell in love with the Lamancha breed.  A year and our first kid crop later, we were able to purchase my first Lamancha "Tassle," also from Stephanie.

The herd quickly multiplied, though we followed a routine culling program every few years to keep numbers down and quality up.  In addition to selecting for correct conformation and desirable mammary systems, we also aimed to keep the hardiest animals to increase and maintain excellent herd health.

Over the years we have added Nubian and Lamancha lines from some of the top herds in the state as well as from around the country.  Our lines currently include Kastdemur, Lucky Star, Little Orchard, Winterwood, Goldthwaite, Saada and many others.  We are a primarily closed herd and follow strict biosecurity protocols, both at home and at shows.  
Our main concentration has always been on showing, and in 2011 I applied for and received my ADGA judging license, however we have also participated in the DHIA and Linear Appraisal programs.  The ultimate goal here at Merrie-Meade is to produce does who appraise well, show well, and milk like a fiend! 

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